Saturday, August 9, 2014

Roku UK Channel Store - Weekly RoundUp #73

Hi, everyone !!

Those of you who stopped by on or around last Saturday (2nd August 2014) to view my regular 'Weekly RoundUp' of the latest additions to the "Official" Roku UK Channel Store will, unfortunately, have been left wanting. The reason for this is that my summer staycation was in full effect at that time and, with little or no internet access for the duration, I was unable to even collate the information needed, let alone publish those details for the greater benefit of UK Roku owners et al !!

Somehow... I did manage to post a few tweets over the last few days, although they were mostly just (delayed) replies (apologies to all concerned for that) or retweets of stuff that I'd only just caught up on. Having returned home, I was then reminded of a prior commitment for this weekend which means that I'm going to have even more catching-up to do than I originally envisaged. Again, apologies for that.

After careful consideration, I felt the easiest thing to do would be to provide you with basic details for the new releases (channel icons plus links to their respective channel descriptions, reviews, etc.) now and then flesh things out with all the relevant Roku-related news and details of any changes to the channel selection on NowTV Boxes as and when I find the time during the coming week.

I intend to keep the listings separate for the past week and the one which preceded it, so what you're getting here is a list of the channels that were released in the seven days immediately following my last 'Weekly RoundUp' and that will be followed by another post (also dated today) in which I will publish details of each and every channel released between last weekend and this one. In this way, further down the line, it will be easier to see which channels were released in any given week regardless of the date of publication for those posts being the same. Hopefully that makes some sort of sense to you all?!

Anyway, with all of the Roku-related news still to follow, let's meanwhile press on with details for the current 'Weekly RoundUp' of NEW ADDITIONS to the "Official" Roku UK Channel Store. This time, there are TEN NEW CHANNELS which have been added during the past seven days. These latest additions to the channel line-up have provided us with FRESH CONTENT in the Film & TV, Internet TV, Food, Special Interest, plus Religion & Spirituality genres (i.e. categories).

In keeping with previous installments from the 'Weekly RoundUp' series, details of these new channels have all been listed below, together with links to obtain further information {by clicking on the channel name(s) beneath the respective channel icon(s) as pictured} and to read a 'Roku Guide' review with an independent (slightly more expansive) assessment of each one:-

ATHEIST TV..........................................................................COST: FREE [Roku Guide Review]

TEXFLIX................................................................................COST: FREE [Roku Guide Review]

HERE IS LOOKING AT YOU.............................................COST: FREE [Roku Guide Review]

CROSSLINE TV....................................................................COST: FREE [Roku Guide Review]

THE SQUISHY MONSTER..................................................COST: FREE [Roku Guide Review]

THE KITCHEN WITCH.......................................................COST: FREE [Roku Guide Review]

MOCOMI................................................................................COST: FREE [Roku Guide Review]

LITTLE FOX KIDS................................................................COST: FREE [Roku Guide Review]

ROCKFORD FIRST CHURCH.............................................COST: FREE [Roku Guide Review]

MASCOT INSIDER................................................................COST: FREE [Roku Guide Review]


Anyhow, like it or not, that is your lot for this week and, whilst it doesn't quite the match-up to the thirteen channels which made it into the "Official" Roku USA Channel Store during the same time-frame, I always think it's better to have SOME NEW CHOICES than none at all, don't you ?!!

Still, hopefully everyone in the UK with a Roku player managed to find something they like within the ten channels outlined above. If not, then you'll just have to pay us a visit another time when, with any luck, there will be something more to your liking. Afterall, there's no point installing every channel because, as I've said before, when it comes to adding new channels to your Roku player, IT'S YOUR CHOICE and, as with all things Roku... THE CHOICE IS ALWAYS YOURS !!


As mentioned earlier in this post, you can expect my usual summary of all the goings-on (or not) in the (severely restricted) Roku Channel Store that features on NowTV Boxes to follow in the coming days. Meanwhile, whether you happen to own a Roku player, a NowTV Box, OR BOTH, as I do... be sure to check my next post (also published today) for the most recent additions to the "Official" Roku UK Channel Store and then come back in seven days' time for my next 'Weekly RoundUp'. However, if you can't wait that long, remember you can always keep up with all the UK Roku action (as it happens) throughout the coming week, by following the companion Twitter Feed: @ukrokuchannels where up-to-the-minute info on all things Roku-related (here in the UK) is posted on a daily basis (well, almost).

Until the next time, then...

That's all folks !!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like there have been some further updates recently. I updated my Roku 2 this morning from version 5.5, build 321 to build 428. I can't see anything in the way of differences, apart from an ITV Player screensaver which I do not believe was there before. The other Roku in our household, a Roku 2 XS was recently updated to build 410.
