Hi, everyone !!
As promised in the previous post, here is the thirteenth in my series of general overviews (i.e. listings) for the various genres within the "Official" UK Roku Channel Store following changes to the available selection of channel store categories made during late May / early June of 2015. This time it's the forty-eight channels making up the "Personal Media" genre that come under the spotlight:-
001. PLEX
002. Roku Media Player [formerly USB Media Player]
003. MyMedia
004. EMBY
005. DS Video
006. Play USB
007. RealTimes - with RealPlayer
008. AllConnect
009. Juice
010. Seagate Media
011. Avia For Roku
012. Roksbox for Google Drive
013. Chaneru Rev2
014. Couchy Play
015. Roksbox xStream
016. MediaFire
017. Qmedia
018. Roksbox for Dropbox
019. My USB
020. Roksbox Plug and Play
021. Media Browser
022. Chaneru
023. Intelivideo
024. Fotovire
025. BoxLet TV
026. PowerDVD Casting
027. Easy Show
028. PurplePlay
029. Mezzmo
030. hipMedia
031. Gizzy Gazza
032. M3U Playlist Player
033. eLCris1017034. Top5s
035. Mirror for Roku
036. MoniGarza
037. Xirvik Servers
038. Bubble Vision
039. MegaRetr
040. USB Playlist Player
041. BebopVox
042. SandyCoben
043. Weekly Chris
044. Jumpinthepack
045. NoMeRevientes
046. Dannie Riel
047. Texas Military Department
048. Niu Media
PLEASE NOTE:- This information was last updated on Sunday 20th May 2018 with all channel details accurate as of Saturday 19th May 2018. In future, when viewing this list... you should ignore the original date of the post and, instead, refer to this section for precise details on when the "Personal Media" category listing was compiled.
As with the previous twelve genres, outlined earlier, further details as to the specifics for each of these channels will follow at a later date. Again, you can expect similar overviews for the remaining genres to be added over the series of posts immediately following this one.
Next up will be an itemised listing of the "Photo Apps" genre, featuring 14 Channels !!
So, be sure to visit this blog again soon for even more information on the Roku streaming media player, here in the UK.
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