Monday, September 30, 2013
A MummyVision Guide To Hallowe'en On Roku - SPECIAL MONTH-LONG BLOGATHON PREVIEW
Hi, everyone !!
As I'm sure you're already aware, Autumn (or "Fall" as it's known to our friends across 'The Pond') is now rapidly closing in and, as it does, so the days grow shorter and the nights grow longer...
One of the advantages of these longer nights is that they're perfect for huddling up and watching movies on your Roku player. I'm sure many Roku owners (myself included) will be enjoying the build up to Hallowe'en by watching something horror-related or slightly more scary than usual on their Roku player(s) as October 31st draws ever nearer...
If that sounds like you, then you may already be familiar with an annual online event which is known as the "Countdown To Hallowe'en" that encourages participants (i.e. bloggers) to contribute to a month-long blogging marathon in honour of the Hallowe'en season. I've long been a fan of this event but, since I only started my UK Roku blog in 2013, I've not had anything specific to contribute in previous years. Fortunately, this has presented me with a prime opportunity to spotlight some of the Hallowe'en / Horror themed Roku channels for you this time around...
Owing to the fact that the series of posts I have planned will be devilishly different from my regular weekly offerings (not to mention a lot more frequent, too) I've decided to group them all under the unifying banner of "A MummyVision Guide To Hallowe'en On Roku" and will endeavour to bring you one post every day, throughout the month of October, culminating on October 31st when the 2013 Countdown To Hallowe'en ends and the celebrations begin !!!
For quick & easy access to the official Countdown To Hallowe'en website which includes a list of all the "Cryptkeepers" (i.e. contributing bloggers) for 2013 with yours truly among them (ahem), as well as details of contributors from past years, you'll find the following badge with a built-in link to their site in the upper right hand column of my blog for the duration of the 2013 Countdown To Hallowe'en:-
Please click on the badge from time to time and visit the Countdown To Hallowe'en website to show your support for this annual online Hallowe'en extravaganza and don't forget to use the links you find there for all the other 'Cryptkeepers' taking part this year. I know they'll appreciate it if you pay them a visit and share your thoughts on the contribution(s) they've made to this event.
For my part, I'll be posting as much Hallowe'en / Horror related stuff as I can find within the hundreds of Roku channels available and the huge amount of content contained therein. I will try to ensure that as many of the featured channels as possible are available on UK Roku players however, due to the high percentage of readers from the USA for this blog, I reserve the right to also post about certain channels that may only be available there and not (currently) in the "Official" Roku UK Channel Store. Either way, you can rest assured that there will be PLENTY of Hallowe'en / Horror themed content FOR ALL ROKU OWNERS, no matter where they happen to hail from.
Meanwhile, if there's any Roku Channel Developers or Content Providers who think that their channel would be worthy of inclusion in a series of articles such as these (i.e. with plenty of Hallowe'en / Horror related content) then please feel free to comment below or via the companion Twitter Feed: @ukrokuchannels providing details of your channel / website & contact information. Your assistance with this is much appreciated although I cannot guarantee that every channel will be included as there is a finite number of posts that can be made. Don't let that put you off though because, if I can't squeeze you in this time, there's always next year's Countdown To Hallowe'en to look forward to !!
Anyway, I just wanted to give you all a "heads up" as to what I've got planned for this blog over the month of October. Of course, there will still be my regular 'Weekly RoundUp' posts to keep you informed of ALL NEW ADDITIONS to the "Official" Roku UK Channel Store during that time. All of which means... that there's now even more reason(s) for you to visit this blog on a regular basis as you prepare for your own Roku-assisted Hallowe'en celebration(s)... Mwah-Ha-Haaaaaaaaaa !!!!!!!!
Still, that's about it for now... I hope to see most, if not all, of you back here tomorrow and each day thereafter throughout October as we bring you "A MummyVision Guide To Hallowe'en On Roku" as part of the Countdown To Hallowe'en for 2013. Be afraid... BE VERY AFRAID !!!!!!!!!!!!
Just don't be too afraid to pay us another visit !!
That's all folks !!
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