Saturday, June 29, 2013

Roku UK Channel Store - Weekly RoundUp #16

Hi, everyone !!

Well, here we are again with another 'Weekly RoundUp' of ALL NEW ADDITIONS to the "Official" Roku UK Channel Store. If you haven't yet joined the UK Roku Revolution, perhaps because you are waiting to see if the much-anticipated Roku 3 is going to get a UK release anytime soon (don't hold your breath on that one), then you may want to take advantage of a GREAT BARGAIN for the Roku LT which is (currently) selling for just £39.99 on Amazon UK. It's an affordable way to check out exactly what is on offer via the Roku streaming media player here in the UK (now with OVER FIVE HUNDRED CHANNELS to choose from) & you could always use it on a TV in another room, if you do wind up getting another Roku player (e.g. a Roku 2 XS, or even a Roku 3... perhaps?) sometime in the future. Don't forget that both of these players (i.e. the Roku LT and the Roku 2 XS) can now be updated to the new Roku software version, which will also give you a fairly comprehensive idea of what the user experience for the Roku 3 will be like in the UK (if it ever gets here) MINUS the faster processor, headphone remote & dual band WiFi, of course !!

Meanwhile, before we get to those new channels, we've also had some more new readers coming to the pages of this blog. Once again, there were many repeat visits from countries that have been mentioned in previous posts but, unlike the past couple of weeks, there was not just one country that had not featured previously, but three countries. So, before we go any further with the current 'Weekly RoundUp', I'd first like to extend a warm welcome to those new readers from Belarus, Palestine and Estonia, who each took the time to pay a maiden visit to these pages during the past seven days, or so.

To those new readers, and to everyone else who continues to read my Roku-related ramblings here on this blog, I'd just like to say... "Thanks for stopping by" & long may you continue to do so.

Anyway, let's get on with the details for the current 'Weekly RoundUp' of NEW ADDITIONS to the "Official" Roku UK Channel Store. This time, there are SEVEN NEW CHANNELS which have been added during the past seven days. These latest additions to the Roku UK Channel Store provided FRESH CONTENT to the Film & TV, Games, Special Interest plus Religion & Spirituality genres (i.e. categories).

In keeping with previous installments from the 'Weekly RoundUp' series, details of these new channels have all been listed below, together with links to obtain further information {by clicking on the channel name(s) beneath the respective channel icon(s) as pictured} and to read a 'Roku Guide' review (where available) for each one:-

APOSTOLLIC CHRISTIAN ASSEMBLY..................................COST: FREE [Roku Guide Review]

N.B. Since this channel does not currently feature in the Roku (USA) Channel Store, the link above is for the Official Website of the Apostollic Christian Assembly (ACA Prayer House); home to some of southern India's most famous pastors. The ACA Prayer House channel (currently) features a CHANNEL ARRAY of THREE SUB-CHANNELS, including 'Live TV', 'Video Messages' & 'Audio Messages' with a lot of the content being offered bilingually for speakers of both the English and Indian languages. The LIVE TV services are available on the FIRST DAY of EVERY MONTH for 'Morning Devotion' between 4:30am and 7:30am PLUS for the weekly 'Morning Service' between 6:30am and 12:30pm EVERY SUNDAY. In addition to the 'Live TV' offerings, there is a selection of 'Video Messages' available as Video-On-Demand (VOD) services, currently comprised of 57 videos from both 2012 & 2013. There is also a selection of 'Audio Messages' available as Audio-On-Demand (AOD) services, currently made up of 23 audio-only recordings, again from 2012 & 2013. These could even be considered as religious audio podcasts, if you prefer to think of them as such. If you visit the Apostollic Christian Assembly (ACA Prayer House) website, you will find all of their contact information PLUS links to an FAQ section for the Roku channel, as well as screenshots & other resources, such as an opportunity to make prayer requests, etc. The channel was developed for Roku by Cherri Technologies who are a Web Development company, based in Pondicherry & Chennai, in India. You can also connect with Cherri Technologies via the developer's Twitter Feed: @CherriTechnolog if you'd like to know more about their current / future plans for Roku channels and/or web development. Additionally, and no doubt due (again) to the fact that the ACA Prayer House channel has not yet been added to the "Official" Roku USA Channel Store, there is no Roku Guide Review available. If this situation changes, I will (of course) add the link to this post.

PLEASE ALSO NOTE: The Roku UK Channel Store description states that the content of this channel is suitable for "ALL AGES". The channel details go on to suggest that the service "MAY REQUIRE ADDITIONAL FEES" although, I have to say that, ALL of the CURRENT CONTENT found on the ACA Prayer House channel is FREE-TO-VIEW. This does, however, suggest that PAID CONTENT may be added at some time in the future. Details to follow, as and when...

RADIO VIDA EN ABUNDANCIA.............................................COST: FREE [Roku Guide Review]

WAR GAMES WITH MINIATURES.........................................COST: FREE [Roku Guide Review]

FITNESS MAGAZINE............................................................COST: FREE [Roku Guide Review]

MATCH 'EM...................................................£1.49 (ONE-OFF PAYMENT) [Roku Guide Review]

CRYPTIC TELEVISION.........................................................COST: FREE [Roku Guide Review]

PLEASE NOTE: In light of the fact that this channel was added to the "Official" Roku USA Channel Store over a month ago, the details provided in the 'Roku Guide' review include a link to view the "Cryptic Television" broadcast schedule which is no longer valid. So, for those of you with an interest in all things horror-related, if you would like to see a BROADCAST SCHEDULE for whatever is live streaming on this Roku channel at any given time, you must now do so VIA THIS LINK. Scroll down the webpage and you will easily see the current LIVE STREAM because it is always (very helpfully) HIGHLIGHTED IN RED which makes watching the "Cryptic Television" channel on Roku a much easier & more pleasurable experience. Outside of whichever programme is the current 'Live Stream', you would do well to remember that ALL TIMINGS on the "Cryptic Television" broadcast schedule are GMT -6 hours so, to calculate the UK time for whatever you want to watch, you will need to ADD SIX HOURS to the time shown in the "Cryptic Television" broadcast schedule. For example, if the programme you want to watch is shown in the schedule as airing between 14:00:00 and 16:00:00 (i.e. from 2pm to 4pm) then it will be on between 20:00:00 and 22:00:00 (i.e. 8pm to 10pm) in the UK.

EXTRA HINT: For a more general overview of the types of programming that are being carried on "Cryptic Television", you can simply click in the box marked "Select date..." (just above the current daily schedule) and pick another date from the pop-up calendar, then press the "Submit" button, to see a list of programmes shown on your chosen date. This works for both past and future content, to a greater or lesser extent. It does, however, always provide you with the latest information available.

GLOBAL CHRISTIAN NETWORK TV......................................COST: FREE [Roku Guide Review]

N.B. Since this channel does not currently feature in the Roku (USA) Channel Store, the link above is for the Official Website of Global Christian Network TV. It may further interest you to know that the "Global Christian Network Television (GCN TV)" channel is a LIVE-STREAMING CHANNEL with much of it's content originating from Korea but subsequently tailored for an english-speaking audience courtesy of GCN America.

Needless to say, if you happen to be of this particular religious persuasion, there is an abundance of content on offer here. Perhaps best of all, the "Global Christian Network Television (GCN TV)" channel is both FREE-TO-ADD and FREE-TO-VIEW on Roku player. You (once again) have developer Pedro Santiago to thank for that, not forgetting the content providers, of course !!

If you would like to connect with GCN America, you can do so via their official Twitter Feed: @GCN_America or, if you just want to get social with them, then you can do so directly via their Facebook Page: GCN America (Facebook).

Lastly, and no doubt due (again) to the fact that the "Global Christian Network Television (GCN TV)" channel has not yet been added to the "Official" Roku USA Channel Store, there is no Roku Guide Review available. If & when this situation changes, I will add a link to this post.


Meanwhile, whether it's Horror Movies, Fitness Videos, Religious Television & Radio Programming, War Games with Historic Miniatures or Memory Games with Playing Cards, we've pretty much got all of those bases covered with the above selection of NEW ADDITIONS to the "Official" Roku UK Channel Store - and, once again, in a VARIETY OF LANGUAGES, too !! I'm also extremely pleased to say that, FOR THE FIFTH WEEK IN A ROW, we've managed to exceed the number of channels which made it into the "Official" Roku USA Channel Store during the same time-frame (there were five, in case you were wondering). Again, it was a close-run contest and there wasn't much in it really. Still, no matter which side of the pond you are on, we can all count ourselves lucky to have been given SOME NEW CHOICES this week, rather than none at all, I'm sure you agree ?!!

Still, hopefully everyone in the UK with a Roku player managed to find something they like within the seven channels outlined above. If not, then you'll have to pay us a visit another time when, with any luck, there will be something more to your liking. Afterall, there's no point installing every channel because, as I've said before, when it comes to adding new channels to your Roku player, IT'S YOUR CHOICE and, as with all things Roku... THE CHOICE IS ALWAYS YOURS !!

So, be sure to come back in seven days' time for my next 'Weekly RoundUp' and, if you can't wait that long, remember you can always keep up with the UK Roku action (as it happens) throughout the coming week, by following our Twitter Feed: @ukrokuchannels where up-to-the-minute info on all things Roku-related (here in the UK) is posted on a daily basis (well, almost).

Until the next time, then...

That's all folks !!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Roku UK Channel Store - Weekly RoundUp #15

Hi, everyone !!

There's one thing you cannot deny about being a Roku owner and that's how the company (i.e. Roku) and the developers (collectively speaking) have long since become masters of the curve ball... meaning, just when you think you know what to expect from them, they always produce something different & completely out of the blue. A case in point is how, just two weeks back, I published a comment saying that I'd slowly begun to realise how new channel releases seemed to appear in the "Official" Roku UK Channel Store on either a Thursday or a Friday each week with little or nothing happening before then. Well, you guessed it... this week they were up & running on Monday... TELL ME WHY?!!! And, what is more, they hit us with not one but TWO CHANNELS being thrown into the Roku channel mix ON THE SAME DAY by those prolific developers at Float Left Interactive. This was followed by a further THREE CHANNELS from three different developers on Tuesday and ANOTHER THREE CHANNELS on Wednesday. I have to admit that, at this point, I was worried that this could turn into another MAMMOTH week & that I wouldn't get the 'Weekly RoundUp' posted on time. As it turns out, although there were MORE NEW ADDITIONS on Thursday & Friday, I was able to cope with the overall volume of new channels, all of which I will reveal to you later in this post.

Meanwhile, in addition to those new channels, we've also had some more new readers coming to the pages of this blog. Once again, there were many repeat visits from countries I've mentioned in previous posts but this time, as with last week, there was just one country that had not featured previously. So, before we go any further with the current 'Weekly RoundUp', I'd first like to extend a warm welcome to those new readers from Latvia, who each took the time to pay a maiden visit to these pages at some point during the past seven days, or so.

To those new readers, and to everyone else who continues to read my Roku-related ramblings here on this blog, I'd just like to say... "Thanks for stopping by" & long may you continue to do so.

Anyway, let's get on with the details for the current 'Weekly RoundUp' of NEW ADDITIONS to the "Official" Roku UK Channel Store. This time, there are TWELVE NEW CHANNELS which have been added during the past seven days. These latest additions to the Roku UK Channel Store provided FRESH CONTENT to the Film & TV, Music, Internet TV, International, Special Interest plus Religion & Spirituality genres (i.e. categories).

In keeping with previous installments from the 'Weekly RoundUp' series, details of these new channels have all been listed below, together with links to obtain further information {by clicking on the channel name(s) beneath the respective channel icon(s) as pictured} and to read a 'Roku Guide' review (where available) for each one:-

GOOHEAD...............................................COST: FREE + $4.99 (MONTHLY) [Roku Guide Review]

PLEASE NOTE: Although the GooHead channel is FREE TO ADD to your Roku player, there is only a LIMITED AMOUNT of content that is FREE TO WATCH including five FULL-LENGTH FEATURE FILMS and seven COMPLETE EPISODES from assorted Martial Arts & Sci-Fi TV series plus fourteen TRAILERS from the above genres as well as Horror and themes range from FightFlix to Monsters to "Very Scary"... YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED !!!!!!!!!!!

Whilst you can watch the FREE PREVIEWS directly on your Roku player, without the need to register, if you wish to delve any deeper into the complete episodes of TV series (you only get first episodes for free) or expand the range of films available to you, then you will need to sign-up for a GooHead Account via THIS LINK after which you must pay $4.99 PER MONTH, until you cancel. Fortunately, the terms & conditions allow you to cancel at any time, should the need arise.

If you'd like to find out more about the "GooHead" channel for Roku, then I'd recommend a visit to their OFFICIAL WEBSITE where you will find details of their unique movies & television series, as well as being able to manage your subscription & provide feedback. There is also a video introduction to the "GooHead" channel for Roku on the main page of their website, available to watch FREE for any visitors to the site. You may also be interested to learn that there is a "Coming Soon" section located under the drop-down menu for the GooHead Catalog. For those who may wish to connect with the "GooHead" channel for Roku, you can do so via their Twitter Feed: @GooHead1 or, if you prefer, you can get also social with them via their Facebook Page: GooHead (Facebook)

ALSO: The prices quoted for this are in $USD (U.S. Dollars) because that is how they are shown on the website, when you follow the link (above) to sign-up for a GooHead Account. Currently, you will not find any prices quoted in £GBP (British Pounds)... even in the channel description that is included among the channel details for the "Official" Roku UK Channel Store. Needless to say, until that changes, the price you actually pay will depend entirely on the applicable exchange rate at the time you take out your subscription and may also vary based on your chosen method of payment.

INNOVATIVE ITALIAN...........................................COST: £0.69 (MONTHLY) [Roku Guide Review]

N.B. This is a MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION channel. If you subscribe, YOU WILL BE CHARGED £0.69 per month until you cancel. You can cancel, at any time, from within the Roku Channel Store. Please bear in mind that subscriptions to the Innovative Italian channel are non-refundable. If you do cancel, you will still be able to use the channel during the period for which you have paid.

THE FIRST AID SHOW............................................................COST: FREE [Roku Guide Review]

ACCESS ASIA NETWORK.........COST: FREE TRIAL + $14.99 (MONTHLY) [Roku Guide Review]

N.B. Since this channel does not currently feature in the Roku (USA) Channel Store, the link above is for the Official Website of the Access Asia Network. It may further interest you to know that the Access Asia Network (AAN) channel currently features a CHANNEL ARRAY of ELEVEN SUB-CHANNELS providing LIVE STREAMS for a wide selection of television channels PLUS an assortment of Video-On-Demand (VOD) and Pay-Per-View (PPV) content.

What may not be so obvious (either from the channel icon, or the weblink, above) is that the "Access Asia Network" Roku channel originates from Singapore and that the content is largely from Vietnamese television channels and, therefore, best suited to Roku owners who are among the Vietnamese diaspora living in Europe & the UK. I'm not going to list the ELEVEN CHANNELS of Vietnamese television that are included with the MONTHLY PACKAGE outlined above, since the details can easily be found via THIS LINK to the official website for the Access Asia Network (AAN).

At this point, however, I do think it's worth pointing out that, as well as the $14.99 PER MONTH subscription option, there is ALSO a 6-Month Package for $85.99 which will save you around four dollars overall PLUS a Yearly Package for $152.99 which will save you close to twenty-seven dollars over the twelve month period, if you can afford the upfront cost. As an ADDITIONAL BONUS, there is a 7-DAY FREE TRIAL available to NEW SUBSCRIBERS ONLY, details of which will be provided when you first launch the "Access Asia Network" Roku channel. Basically, once the channel has loaded, you will be asked whether you already subscribe to AAN and prompted to select a "Yes" or "No" answer, using your Roku remote. If eligible, you will be given details of where to sign-up for your 7-day Free Trial. Otherwise, you will be asked to sign-in to your existing AAN account, where you will have access to the channels you pay for. Either way, YOU NEED TO BE SIGNED-UP to access the "Access Asia Network" Roku player channel BEFORE YOU CAN START WATCHING.

If you would like to connect with the "Access Asia Network" Roku player channel, you can (of course) do so via their Facebook Page: Access Asia Network (Facebook). Perhaps a better approach, though, would be to use the CONTACT INFO from their official website. Fortunately, they can provide English language support, as well as Vietnamese, according to your individual needs. In so far as I am aware, there is (currently) NO OFFICIAL TWITTER FEED for Access Asia Network.

ALSO: The prices quoted for this are in $USD (U.S. Dollars) because that is how they are shown on the website, when you sign-up & create your the Access Asia Network (AAN) account. Currently, you will not find any prices quoted in £GBP (British Pounds)... even in the channel description that is included among the channel details for the "Official" Roku UK Channel Store. Needless to say, until that changes, the price you actually pay will depend entirely on the applicable exchange rate at the time you take out your subscription and may also vary based on your chosen method of payment.

Lastly, and no doubt due (again) to the fact that the Access Asia Network (AAN) channel has not yet been added to the "Official" Roku USA Channel Store, there is no Roku Guide Review available. If & when this situation changes, I will add a link to this post.

911.........................................................................................COST: FREE [Roku Guide Review]

BOOK MARC..........................................................................COST: FREE [Roku Guide Review]

O' TOWN.................................................................................COST: FREE [Roku Guide Review]

MTA INTERNATIONAL.............................................................COST: FREE [Roku Guide Review]

N.B. Since this channel does not currently feature in the Roku (USA) Channel Store, the link above is for the Official Website of MTA International. It may further interest you to know that the MTA (Muslim Television Ahmadiyya) International Roku channel currently features a CHANNEL ARRAY of SIX SUB-CHANNELS providing LIVE STREAMS in a number of different languages. For your information, the SIX CHANNELS that (currently) populate the MTA Live Streams are:-

  • MTA Urdu Stream
  • MTA English Stream
  • MTA Bengali Stream
  • MTA French Stream
  • MTA German Stream
  • MTA 3

Interestingly, the channel description from the "Official" Roku UK Channel Store boasts that the MTA (Muslim Television Ahmadiyya) International Television Network provides family oriented programming in over 16 languages. As yet, however, there is no evidence to support this from the (current) array of sub-channels that feature in the MTA (Muslim Television Ahmadiyya) International Roku channel. Now it may be that MTA International will expand the content of their Roku channel at some point in the future but, for now, the above list includes everything currently available to stream.

I should, of course, point out that the MTA (Muslim Television Ahmadiyya) International Roku channel is both FREE-TO-ADD and FREE-TO-VIEW on your Roku player, with the content deemed as being suitable for "All Ages", which would seem to tie in nicely with the theme of "Family Oriented Programming" mentioned in the channel description. You can, if you wish, find more precise programme information on the OFFICIAL WEBSITE which also includes a FULL SCHEDULE as well as related news PLUS a link to MTA International's YouTube Channel.

Meanwhile, if you would like to connect with the MTA (Muslim Television Ahmadiyya) International Roku channel, you can do so via their Twitter Feed: @muslimtv although, from my own recent experience, they do not appear to be prolific "tweeters", making only sporadic tweets (ranging from daily, to fortnightly, or even monthly), during the last six months. Perhaps a better approach would be to use the CONTACT INFO from their official website or, if you just want to get social with them, it might prove more fruitful to do so via their Facebook Page: MTA International (Facebook).

Lastly, and no doubt due (again) to the fact that the MTA (Muslim Television Ahmadiyya) International Roku channel has not yet been added to the "Official" Roku USA Channel Store, there is no Roku Guide Review available. If & when this situation changes, I will add a link to this post.

MULLET..................................................................................COST: FREE [Roku Guide Review]

COLLEGE HUMOR...................................................................COST: FREE [Roku Guide Review]

VALLEJO FM...........................................................................COST: FREE [Roku Guide Review]

ANGEL TV...............................................................................COST: FREE [Roku Guide Review]

N.B. Since this channel does not currently feature in the Roku (USA) Channel Store, the link above is for the channel description of Angel TV as found on the Official Website for the developer. It may therefore interest you to know that the "Angel TV" Roku channel was developed by whose website can be viewed HERE. There, you can find out about the company & it's innovative Web Marketing, Media Hosting & Video Delivery Solutions. There are readily available links to contact them via email or, if you prefer, their phone numbers (including an EU Hotline) are also listed at the bottom of the main webpage. For anyone interested, there is a HUGE LIST that includes most, if not all, of the featured Roku channels (as developed by for your perusal. If need be, you can always connect with the developer via their Twitter Feed: @lightcast_inc or, if you prefer, you can get social with them via their Facebook Page: Lightcast Inc (Facebook) too.

Meanwhile, you're probably going to want to know that the content of this channel is entirely made up of positive, well-balanced Christian lifestyle programming. In fact, Angel TV's current lineup features 95% ORIGINAL & EXCLUSIVE CONTENT, combining talk shows, dramas, movies, family issues, biblical teachings, music videos & children's programmes in a unique style. Better still is that this PRIMARILY INDIAN LANGUAGE channel also INCLUDES ENGLISH SUBTITLES for much of it's content, which means you don't have to be fluent in one of the many Indian languages in order to watch and/or enjoy this channel. Perhaps best of all, however, is that this popular Indian Christian Prophetic entertainment resource is both FREE-TO-ADD and FREE-TO-VIEW on your Roku player. So, if you're of a religious persuasion, you may want to add this to your Roku & start streaming now !!

Lastly, and no doubt due (again) to the fact that the "Angel TV" channel has not yet been added to the "Official" Roku USA Channel Store, there is no Roku Guide Review available. If & when this situation changes, I will add a link to this post.

Still, whether it's Comedy, Music, Books, Travel, First Aid, Religion, Language Learning, Films, Radio or 911 Emergency Recordings, we've pretty much got all of those bases covered with the above selection of NEW ADDITIONS to the "Official" Roku UK Channel Store - and available in a VARIETY OF LANGUAGES, too !! I'm also very pleased to say that, FOR THE FOURTH WEEK IN A ROW, we've managed to exceed the number of channels which made it into the "Official" Roku USA Channel Store during the same time-frame (there were eleven, in case you were wondering). Again, it was a close-run contest and there wasn't much in it really. Still, no matter which side of the pond you are on, we can all count ourselves lucky to have been given SOME NEW CHOICES this week, rather than none at all, I'm sure you agree ?!!

Meanwhile, hopefully everyone in the UK with a Roku player managed to find something they like within the TWELVE channels outlined above. If not, then you'll have to pay us a visit another time when, with any luck, there will be something more to your liking. Afterall, there's no point installing every channel because, as I've said before, when it comes to adding new channels to your Roku player, IT'S YOUR CHOICE and, as with all things Roku... THE CHOICE IS ALWAYS YOURS !!

So, be sure to come back in seven days' time for my next 'Weekly RoundUp' and, if you can't wait that long, remember you can always keep up with the UK Roku action (as it happens) throughout the coming week, by following our Twitter Feed: @ukrokuchannels where up-to-the-minute info on all things Roku-related (here in the UK) is posted on a daily basis (well, almost).

Until the next time, then...

That's all folks !!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Roku UK Channel Store - Weekly RoundUp #14

Hi, everyone !!

PLEASE NOTE: That I originally rush-released this 'Weekly RoundUp' in a somewhat haphazard & unfinished state so that you could, at least see what ALL THE NEW ADDITIONS to the "Official" Roku UK Channel Store were, during the week in question. Those of you who read that first draft will have noticed that some of the (usual) links to the Roku USA Channel Store had been replaced by either the channel website or, in one or two cases, the developer's website. There were also a number of missing links for certain 'Roku Guide' reviews that needed to be added, as well as further pricing information (i.e. subscription costs, details of special price packages, etc) for some of the channels. I am now pleased to tell you that I have caught up with everything & ALL THE NECESSARY CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE (where possible). So... apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused but, you can rest assured, this article is now of the standard you have come to expect and can (hopefully) from this point on be enjoyed by all. You'll be pleased to know that it will have been worth the wait (for most of you) with PLENTY OF EXTRA DETAILS for many of the new channels included here. You can expect additional information for any channel not featured in the Roku (USA) Channel Store, as well as extra detail (ad hoc) for some of the others.

Meanwhile, in addition to those new channels, we've also had some more new readers coming to the pages of this blog. Once again, there were many repeat visits from various countries that I've mentioned in previous posts but, this time, there was just one country that had not featured previously. So, before we go any further with the current 'Weekly RoundUp', I'd first like to extend a warm welcome to those new readers from Grenada, who took the time and trouble to make their maiden visit to these pages at some point during the past seven days, or so.

To those new readers, and to everyone else who continues to read my Roku-related ramblings here on this blog, I'd just like to say... "Thanks for stopping by" & long may you all continue to do so.

Still, let's get on with the details for the current 'Weekly RoundUp' of NEW ADDITIONS to the "Official" Roku UK Channel Store. This time, there are SIXTEEN NEW CHANNELS which have been added during the past seven days. These latest additions to the Roku UK Channel Store provided FRESH CONTENT to the Film &  TV, Internet TV, International, Special Interest, Screensavers & Apps plus Religion & Spirituality genres (i.e. categories).

In keeping with previous installments from the 'Weekly RoundUp' series, details of these new channels have all been listed below, together with links to obtain further information {by clicking on the channel name(s) beneath the respective channel icon(s) as pictured} and to read a 'Roku Guide' review (where available) for each one:-

AFRIKA STV - ASTV..............................COST: FREE + $24.99 (MONTHLY) [Roku Guide Review]

N.B. Since this channel does not currently feature in the Roku (USA) Channel Store, the link above is for the Official Website of AfrikaSTV - ASTV. It may further interest you to know that the AfrikaSTV - ASTV channel currently features a CHANNEL ARRAY of ELEVEN SUB-CHANNELS including LIVE STREAMS for no less than THIRTY-NINE CHANNELS of African television & radio PLUS an assortment of recently archived (DVR) digital video recordings from various African television channels, including SEN TV, Lamp Fall TV, RTS1, TFM, 2STV & Walf TV (Senegal), ORTM TV (Mali), ORTB TV (Benin), Tele Congo plus GRTS (Gambia).

What may not be so obvious (either from the channel icon, or the weblink, above) is that the AfrikaSTV - ASTV channel originates from New York although, it must be said, the content is largely from the African continent and, therefore, best suited to Roku owners who are among the African diaspora living in Europe, USA, Canada, Central America and the Caribbean. However, that is not to say that the programming offered through AfrikaSTV - ASTV cannot be enjoyed by everyone, regardless of their origins or native tongue, assuming it is to their particular taste of course. 

Now, I wouldn't normally go into much detail within a 'Weekly RoundUp' post (such as this) but, in view of the fact that there is (currently) so little information "out there" for potential viewers of the AfrikaSTV - ASTV channel, I'm going to make an exception. So, for the benefit of all Roku owners, here is a COMPLETE LIST of the 39 LIVE CHANNELS on AfrikaSTV - ASTV:-

  • SEN TV - General Entertainment Channel, from Senegal
  • Lamp Fall TV - General Entertainment Channel, from Senegal
  • Tele Congo - General Entertainment Channel, from Congo
  • NTA International - General Entertainment Channel, from Nigeria
  • Saudi Quran TV - Islamic Channel, from Saudi Arabia
  • Saudi Sunnah TV - Islamic Channel, from Saudi Arabia
  • Al Jazeera (English) - News Channel, from Qatar
  • ORTM TV - General Entertainment Channel, from Mali
  • ORTB TV - General Entertainment Channel, from Benin
  • 2STV - General Entertainment Channel, from Senegal
  • 2Si Racines - General Entertainment Channel, from Senegal
  • RTI1 - General Entertainment Channel, from Ivory Coast
  • GRTS - General Entertainment Channel, from Gambia
  • RTS1 - General Entertainment Channel, from Senegal
  • RTVGE Internacional - General Entertainment Channel, from Equatorial Guinea
  • TPA International - General Entertainment Channel, from Angola
  • TFM - General Entertainment Channel, from Senegal
  • Voxafrica - Pan-African Bilingual Independent TV Channel
  • Walf TV - General Entertainment Channel, from Senegal
  • Euronews - European News From A European Perspective (In English)
  • Euronews Francais - European News From A European Perspective (In French)
  • The Africa Channel - Award Winning Content, Inspired By Africa
  • eNCA - 24 Hour TV News From Africa & South Africa
  • TVC News - 24 Hour Pan-African TV News Channel
  • Nollywood Movies - African Movies & Entertainment
  • Nollywood Movies+ - More African Movies & Entertainment
  • CTL Africa - Amazing TV Channel, from Nigeria
  • Africa Unite TV - Zambian Based Pan-African Free-To-Air (FTA) Channel
  • New Frontiers TV - Religious Channel, from Nigeria
  • TV de Mauritanie - 24 Hour National Broadcast Channel, from Mauritania
  • VOA Africa 24 - Voice Of America's African Channel
  • France 24 Francais - 24 Hour International News (In French)
  • Africa 24 - 24 Hour African News (In French)
  • TVM2 Plus - News, Politics & Economics Channel, from Mauritania
  • La TV du Sahel - Independent TV Channel, from Mauritania
  • Al Majd Holy Quran - Religious Channel, from Saudi Arabia
  • Al Majd Al Hadeeth Al Nabawy - Religious Channel, from Saudi Arabia
  • Al Majd Religious Science - Religious Channel, from Saudi Arabia
  • Tele Tchad - National Broadcast Channel, from Chad

It's only when you get to see the comprehensive list of LIVE STREAMING TV CHANNELS from the African continent (above) that you begin to understand exactly how this channel commands such a high monthly subscription fee (comparatively speaking) in order to partake of it's content. Don't forget, the LIVE CHANNELS are just the tip of the iceberg here. There is also a wealth of archived material courtesy of the TEN DVR CHANNELS listed in the first paragraph below the AfrikaSTV - ASTV channel icon which boosts the available programming on this channel still further with it's huge variety of "On Demand" content that can be watched as & when you choose.

At this point it's probably worth pointing out that, as well as the $24.99 PER MONTH subscription option, there is ALSO a 6-Month Package for $119.99 which will save you around thirty dollars overall PLUS a Yearly Package for $199.99 which will save you close to one hundred dollars over the twelve month period, if you can afford the upfront cost. As an ADDITIONAL BONUS, when you take out any of the AfrikaSTV - ASTV subscriptions for your Roku player, you can then USE THE SAME ACCOUNT to watch on Google TV, Android Phones, Tablets & IPTV devices AS WELL AS on your Mac or PC, with NO ADDITIONAL PAYMENT NEEDED which may help to ease the sting of those fees... even if it's just a little bit. Either way, you will need to first SIGN-UP via THIS LINK and then link your AfrikaSTV account to the AfrikaSTV - ASTV Roku player channel BEFORE YOU CAN START WATCHING although, fortunately, THIS ONLY NEEDS TO BE DONE ONCE and not for every sub-channel you wish to view - PHEW !!

ALSO: The prices quoted for this are in $USD (U.S. Dollars) because that is how they are shown on the website, when you follow the link (above) to sign-up & create an AfrikaSTV account. Currently, you will not find any prices quoted in £GBP (British Pounds)... even in the channel description that is included among the channel details for the "Official" Roku UK Channel Store. Needless to say, until that changes, the price you actually pay will depend entirely on the applicable exchange rate at the time you take out your subscription and may also vary based on your chosen method of payment.

If you would like to connect with AfrikaSTV - ASTV, you can do so via their Twitter Feed: @AfricaSTV although, from my own recent experience, they do not appear to be prolific "tweeters", having made a GRAND TOTAL of zero tweets thus far, and with the website URL in their Twitter profile still pointing (somewhat bizarrely) to a (presumably) out-of-date, or otherwise yet to come, "dot net" web address, it may prove less than worthwhile. Perhaps a better approach would be to use the CONTACT INFO from their official website or, if you just want to get social with them, then simply do so directly via their Facebook Page: AfrikaSTV.

Lastly, and no doubt due (again) to the fact that the AfrikaSTV - ASTV channel has not yet been added to the "Official" Roku USA Channel Store, there is no Roku Guide Review available. If & when this situation changes, I will add a link to this post.

UNIENDO FUERZAS...............................................................COST: FREE [Roku Guide Review]

N.B. Since this channel does not currently feature in the Roku (USA) Channel Store, the link above is for the Official Website of Join Force International who are credited as the developers of the "Uniendo Fuerzas" channel for Roku. They are also responsible for Radio Faro De Luz which, coincidentally, is also incorporated within. It may further interest you to know that the "Uniendo Fuerzas" channel features a CHANNEL ARRAY of SIX SUB-CHANNELS including a selection of television & radio PLUS an assortment of recently archived (DVR) digital video recordings within those sub-channels. 

Since David Silva (President of Join Force International) responded so swiftly to my request for a channel icon for the "Uniendo Fuerzas" channel for Roku and, despite my very limited Spanish, was extremely patient, courteous & helpful in providing the necessary materials, I owe it to him to give you a little more detail than I otherwise would in a 'Weekly RoundUp'. So, as a "thank you" to David Silva (gracias mi amigo) & for the benefit of Roku users everywhere, here is a complete breakdown of the current content that can be found within the various sub-channels of the "Uniendo Fuerzas" channel:-

  • Pastora Diana Crespo (3 Episodes)
  • Sobre alas de Aguila (3 Episodes)
  • V.E.R.E. (3 Episodes)
  • Misioneros de Cristo (3 Episodes)
  • Praise Break (1 Episode)

  • Daniel Hidalgo Héchos 3
  • 7-40 Primer Amor

  • Evagelista Omar Mojica (
  • Apostol Paul-David (
  • Pastora Diana Crespo (

  • David Silva (4 Episodes)

  • Apostol Fred Puentes - Desde Estado de la Florida (1 Episode)
  • Pastor Nathen Puentes - Desde Estado de la Florida (2 Episodes)
  • Apostol Maylen Puentes - Desde Estado de la Florida (1 Episode)

  • Luz TV Online (Programacion Cristiana) - Live Streaming: 9am-9pm (EST) [GMT-5]
  • Radio Faro de Luz - Desde el Centro de la Florida

If you would like to contact Radio Faro de Luz / Join Force International regarding any aspect of their programming, you can do so via their Twitter Feed: @siervodse or, if you prefer, you can also get social with them via their Facebook Page: Radio Faro de Luz / Join Force International (Facebook)

Lastly, and no doubt due (again) to the fact that the "Uniendo Fuerzas" channel has not yet been added to the "Official" Roku USA Channel Store, there is no Roku Guide Review available. If & when this situation changes, I will add a link to this post.

OUROBOREALIS....................................................................COST: FREE [Roku Guide Review]

PARANORMAL REALITY TV - HD ZONE................COST: £3.99 (MONTHLY) [Roku Guide Review]

N.B. Since this channel does not currently feature in the Roku (USA) Channel Store, the link above is for the Official Website of Paranormal Reality TV. It may further interest you to know that the "Paranormal Reality TV - HD Zone" channel was developed for Roku by whose rather minimalist website can be viewed HERE. Still, it does include their email address if you happen to be looking for help with the development, hosting and publishing of your TV channel or radio station on Roku, Google TV, Android or Ipad.

More to the point, you're probably going to want to know that the content of this channel includes subject matter ranging from Ghost Hunts to UFO's and Mysteries. There's plenty of ORIGINAL CONTENT including Monthly TV Shows, Rare Interviews & Documentaries on the paranormal, as well as Old Horror and Sci-Fi Classics. If you would prefer to "TRY BEFORE YOU BUY" so you can see what type of content is on offer via this ROKU EXCLUSIVE CHANNEL then may I suggest you scroll down a bit further in this 'Weekly RoundUp' until you come to a very similar-looking channel icon for the "Paranormal Reality TV - Free Zone" channel and ADD THAT FIRST instead.

PLEASE ALSO NOTE: That if you do decide to opt for the "Paranormal Reality TV - HD Zone" PAID CHANNEL remember that it's a MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION channel. If you subscribe, YOU WILL BE CHARGED the sum of £3.99 PER MONTH until you cancel. You can cancel, at any time, from within the Roku Channel Store. Please bear in mind, however, that subscriptions to the "Paranormal Reality TV - HD Zone" channel are non-refundable. Although, if you do cancel, you will still be able to use the channel during the period for which you have paid.

Meanwhile, if you would like to connect with the "Paranormal Reality TV - HD Zone" channel, you can do so via their Twitter Feed: @ParanormalRoku although, from my own recent experience, they do not appear to be prolific "tweeters", having made a GRAND TOTAL of forty-nine tweets thus far, since July 2011. Perhaps a better approach would be to use the CONTACT FORM on their official website or, if you just want to get social with them, to simply do so via their Facebook Page: Paranormal Reality TV (Facebook).

Lastly, and no doubt due (again) to the fact that the "Paranormal Reality TV - HD Zone" channel has not yet been added to the "Official" Roku USA Channel Store, there is no Roku Guide Review available. If & when this situation changes, I will add a link to this post.

THE DEGREE SHOW..............................................................COST: FREE [Roku Guide Review]

PLEASE NOTE: This channel has become a bit of an enigma, to say the least, because despite being added to both the "Official" Roku UK Channel Store and the Roku (USA) Channel Store (as evidenced by the presence of a link to the "Roku Guide" review, above) it has since disappeared. Those of you who were swift enough to add it to your Roku players during it's brief stint in the channel store(s) should still be able to access the channel but, if you missed it, you're out of luck should you want to do so now. Unfortunately, no-one seems to have published the ACCESS CODE for "The Degree Show" so it can be ushered onto Roku player via the back door (using the 'Add a Private Channel' option in your online Roku Account) otherwise I would have included it here.

Consequently, the above link for "The Degree Show" will redirect you to their Official Website rather than to the 'Channel Details' in the Roku (USA) Channel Store, as would be the norm. Fortunately, the link for the "Roku Guide" review of the channel functions as it should so you can still take a look at that without any problem. As for the channel (itself) we are, none of us, any the wiser as to whether it will re-appear in the channel store(s) anytime soon. Your guess is as good as mine ?!!

Now it may be that, since the main event (itself) took place over just two days (12th-13th June 2013) and the university closed it's doors for the summer break shortly afterwards, the channel has also taken a leave of absence until the students return in the autumn (or "Fall", if you are a US Roku owner). I was able to watch the LIVE STREAM of "R13" (The Degree Show's own channel) during the event but did notice that in the later stages there were problems with the HD stream (both SD & HD streams are included in "The Degree Show" Roku channel) so maybe that explains things?

At this point, all you can get is a couple of short promo videos under the "On Demand" section, so I wouldn't worry too much about not having access to the channel, if you haven't yet added it. Perhaps it would be worthwhile getting in touch with "The Degree Show" via the CONTACT INFO on their website to see if they can provide you with an ACCESS CODE so that, if the channel does spring back into action when the university re-opens it's doors later in the year, you will be ready to tune-in to the live stream & find out what they are up to. Other options available to you are to connect with them via their Twitter Feed: @thedegreeshow or else, to get social with them on their Facebook Page which can be accessed using THIS LINK. In terms of video content, all I can suggest (for those of you with either the Twonky or Plex channel installed on your Roku player) is to watch the selection of video clips from the main event (including The Fashion Show & The Awards Show) currently still being hosted on "The Degree Show" YouTube Channel which you will find HERE.

FLORIDA'S VISITOR NETWORK..............................................COST: FREE [Roku Guide Review]

PARANORMAL REALITY TV - FREE ZONE..............................COST: FREE [Roku Guide Review]

VIETNAMESE CHANNELS.......................................................COST: FREE [Roku Guide Review]

N.B. Since this channel does not currently feature in the Roku (USA) Channel Store, the link above is for the Official Website of 4K Tech, who are the company credited as the developer of "Vietnamese Channels" for Roku player. It may further interest you to know that "Vietnamese Channels" currently features a CHANNEL ARRAY of EIGHT SUB-CHANNELS including LIVE STREAMS for several US-broadcast Vietnamese language channels PLUS a Buddhist Channel AND a handful of general entertainment channels, with more to follow. 

What may not be so obvious (either from the channel icon, or the weblink, above) is that much of the content on "Vietnamese Channels" originates from Houston (USA) although, since that content is in the Vietnamese language (or subtitled using it), it's best suited to UK Roku owners who are among the Vietnamese diaspora now living in Europe. Having said that, I suppose you could use it to help you learn the language if need be. The choice is yours, I guess, just wanted you all to know what to expect should you decide to add this channel. 

As with the AfrikaSTV - ASTV channel (above), I wouldn't normally go into much detail for a channel in one of my 'Weekly RoundUp' posts but, in view of the fact that there is (currently) so little info "out there" for potential viewers of "Vietnamese Channels", I'm going to make this another exception. So, for the benefit of all Roku owners, here is a COMPLETE LIST of the sub-channels that can be found within "Vietnamese Channels" on UK Roku players:-

  • SGN TV - Saigon Network TV [Standard Definition] - Channel 51.3, Houston TX
  • SGN TV - Saigon Network TV [High Definition] - Channel 51.3, Houston TX
  • VAN TV - As Broadcast on Channel 55.2, Houston TX
  • Global TV - As Broadcast on Channel 51.5, Houston TX
  • Phat Tu Bi TV - Buddhist Channel
  • Buoc Chan Viet TV - Coming Soon (Apparently)
  • Duc Me TV - Temporarily Unavailable (At Time of Posting)
  • Giai Tri Tong Hop - including: AniWorld - Japanese ANIME (with Vietnamese Subtitles)

It may not seem like a lot of choice (channel-wise) but, when you consider that "Vietnamese Channels" is both FREE-TO-ADD and FREE-TO-WATCH on UK Roku players, it's a pretty good & totally worthwhile addition to the Roku UK channel selection, for those who happen to speak the language.

Lastly, and no doubt due (again) to the fact that "Vietnamese Channels" has not yet been added to the "Official" Roku USA Channel Store, there is no Roku Guide Review available. If & when this situation changes, I will add a link to this post.

IGNITE CHURCH.TV................................................................COST: FREE [Roku Guide Review]

WZC - WHITE ZOOM CHANNEL..............................................COST: FREE [Roku Guide Review]

PILOT TV.......................COST: FREE (1-WEEK TRIAL) + $1.99 (MONTHLY) [Roku Guide Review]

N.B. In addition to the "Bronze Member" FREE TRIAL and "Silver Member" MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION options, there are a couple of choices for those of you who would prefer an ANNUAL (i.e. YEARLY) SUBSCRIPTION. Firstly, there is the choice of becoming a "Gold Member" for $17.99 PER YEAR which saves you roughly $6.00 over the twelve month period and gives you access to the same content as the "Silver Member" subscription. This means that you are restricted to only part of the content available on the website (essentially, it grants you the ability to watch the Pilot TV Guide). If you would prefer to have FULL ACCESS to everything on the website, then you WILL REQUIRE a "Platinum Member" subscription for $24.99 PER YEAR.

Should you require further details, prior to subscribing, you will find ALL of the Subscription Options PLUS the Terms & Conditions (READ THEM IN FULL for Pilot TV Network company details, including their email address) on the REGISTRATION PAGE which MUST BE COMPLETED before you can view/use the Pilot TV channel on your Roku player. Once registered, you will be sent a PASSWORD (via email) together with a LINK for you TO LOG-IN where you must also ENTER A CODE from the Pilot TV Roku channel in order TO ACTIVATE YOUR ROKU PLAYER. If this all sounds a bit convoluted, don't worry, for true fans of 'Classic Television' it is worth the effort !!

ALSO: A USEFUL LINK you may wish TO BOOKMARK, if you do subscribe to Pilot TV, is for their CURRENT SCHEDULE which is UPDATED EVERY FRIDAY and includes content info for the coming fortnight. Since the "Roku Guide" Review (linked to above) lists content for the week commencing 14th June 2013, which is now out-of-date, I decided it would be better to offer you a direct link for the schedule so that, whenever you read this post, you can always jump straight to the Pilot TV Guide and find out whatever is on at the exact time of reading.

MARIAN TV............................................................................COST: FREE [Roku Guide Review]

N.B. Since this channel does not currently feature in the Roku (USA) Channel Store, the link above is for the Official Website of Marian TV. It may further interest you to know that the "Marian TV" channel was developed for Roku by whose rather minimalist website is "a testimonial" to the company's vision: "Simple, no-frills and no-nonsense" & can be viewed HERE. Still, it does include their contact email, address & phone number, if you happen to be looking for help with the bespoke development of highly-effective software applications for Roku & various other platforms.

More to the point, you're probably going to want to know that the content of this channel includes "Charismatic Catholic" programming which is offered on a 24-hour COMMERCIAL FREE basis. There's plenty of ORIGINAL CONTENT available in Malayalam, Hindi and English. Best of all though, is that it is both FREE-TO-ADD and FREE-TO-WATCH on Roku player.

Meanwhile, if you would like to connect with the "Marian TV" channel, you can do so via their Twitter Feed: @QueenmaryUSA although, from my own recent experience, they do not appear to be prolific "tweeters", having made a GRAND TOTAL of one tweet thus far, since February 2012. Perhaps a better approach would be to use the CONTACT INFO (found at the bottom of the page, on their official website) or, if you just want to get social with them, to do so via their Facebook Page: Queen Mary Ministry USA (Facebook).

Lastly, and no doubt due (again) to the fact that the "Marian TV" channel has not yet been added to the "Official" Roku USA Channel Store, there is no Roku Guide Review available. If & when this situation changes, I will add a link to this post.

PRO BONO.............................................................................COST: FREE [Roku Guide Review]

ROSETTA BRYSON TV...........................................................COST: FREE [Roku Guide Review]

UNORED LA RED CRISTIANA.................................................COST: FREE [Roku Guide Review]

N.B. Since this channel does not currently feature in the Roku (USA) Channel Store, the link above is for the Official Website of UnoRed La Red Cristiana. It may further interest you to know that the "UnoRed La Red Cristiana" channel currently features FOURTEEN SUB-CHANNELS collected beneath the banner of "UnoRed en Vivo" (Variedad de Canales Cristianos en Vivo) and includes LIVE STREAMS for an assortment of television & radio channels, as follows:-

  • Nacion TV Houston - Primer canal cristiano de habla hispana con alta potencia en Houston
  • Aliento Vision (Hispanic Family Network) - el canal de la vida abundante
  • SBN (Senda Broadcasting Network) - Programacion Familiar que Restarura
  • Enlace - Una Imagen que viene de lo Alto
  • Nacion TV Internacional - El Canal de la Familia
  • CVC La Voz - Contenido y Comunidad Cristiana
  • CDM Internacional - La Cadena del Milagro
  • Tele Fe
  • Alerta TV Network
  • Momentos Profeticos - Sea Parte de la Ultima Cosecha
  • Faro de Santidad - comprometido con llevar la palabra de Dios a Puerto Rico al Mundo
  • Radio Avivamiento - La Revolucion Radial
  • Buena Vista TV - Cultos en Vivo (Domingo 8am/11:15am, Martes 10am, Miercoles 7:30pm)
  • Buena Vista TV - Canal de Ayuda TV

Needless to say, if you happen to be fluent in the Spanish language, and of this religious persuasion, there is an abundance of live streaming content on offer here. Perhaps best of all, the "UnoRed La Red Cristiana" channel is both FREE-TO-ADD and FREE-TO-VIEW on Roku player. You have developer Pedro Santiago to thank for that, not forgetting the various content providers, of course !!

If you would like to connect with the "UnoRed La Red Cristiana" channel, you can do so via their Twitter Feed: @UnoRedOficial or, if you just want to get social with them, simply do so directly via their Facebook Page: UnoRed La Red Cristiana (Facebook).

Lastly, and no doubt due (again) to the fact that the "UnoRed La Red Cristiana" channel has not yet been added to the "Official" Roku USA Channel Store, there is no Roku Guide Review available. If & when this situation changes, I will add a link to this post.

THEORIES RADIO..................................................................COST: FREE [Roku Guide Review]

PLEASE NOTE: It is not without some sense of irony, given that it is dedicated to conspiracy theories (among other things), that FOR SOME STRANGE REASON the 'Theories Radio' channel has yet to be given a permanent category in the "Official" Roku UK Channel Store. As a result, you will not (currently) see it listed anywhere on my blog apart from this 'Weekly RoundUp'. Nor, might I add, will you find it anywhere in the "Official" Roku UK Channel Store other than in the main category for "New" channels. Once you do track it down, it may interest you to know that the 'Theories Radio' channel is both FREE-TO-ADD and FREE-TO-USE on your Roku player. If you have difficulty finding it in the channel store, then may I suggest you add it via your online Roku account, using the INVITATION CODE / ACCESS CODE: theories - then get ready to hear the very latest & hottest conspiracy theories, ideas and secrets that the powerful don't want you to know !!

Meanwhile, whether it's conspiracy theories, paranormal reality tv, psychedelic screensavers, pilot tv episodes, African or Vietnamese TV channels, legal advice, Malayalam, Hindi & English language religious programming, music & film events channels or even travel tips for a visit to Florida, we've pretty much got all of those bases covered with the above selection of NEW ADDITIONS to the "Official" Roku UK Channel Store. I'm also amazed to say that, FOR THE THIRD WEEK IN A ROW, we've managed to exceed the number of channels which made it into the "Official" Roku USA Channel Store during the same time-frame (there were fourteen, in case you were wondering). Again, it was a close-run contest and there wasn't much in it really. Still, no matter which side of the pond you are on, we can all count ourselves lucky to have been given SOME NEW CHOICES this week, rather than none at all, I'm sure you agree ?!!

Still, hopefully everyone in the UK with a Roku player managed to find something they like within the sixteen channels outlined above. If not, then you'll have to pay us a visit another time when, with any luck, there will be something more to your liking. Afterall, there's no point installing every channel because, as I've said before, when it comes to adding new channels to your Roku player, IT'S YOUR CHOICE and, as with all things Roku... THE CHOICE IS ALWAYS YOURS !!

So, be sure to come back in seven days' time for my next 'Weekly RoundUp' and, if you can't wait that long, remember you can always keep up with the UK Roku action (as it happens) throughout the coming week, by following our Twitter Feed: @ukrokuchannels where up-to-the-minute info on all things Roku-related (here in the UK) is posted on a daily basis (well, almost).

Until the next time, then...

That's all folks !!